Why Listening Is an Immensely Valuable Skill in the Workplace

Listening Is an Immensely Valuable Skill in the Workplace


There are certain skills people absolutely must have if they are going to find success in any kind of workplace.

Employees must be able to adapt to constant changes either to their working conditions or even to their job descriptions.

They must also be capable of executing the instructions handed down to them and provide results within a reasonable amount of time.

There’s one more thing that a good worker should be able to do on a consistent basis or else this individual may struggle to hold down a job and that is none other than listening.

It should be very easy to understand why listening is a requirement for anyone in the workplace.

Within this hectic environment, directives and messages can very frequently become misunderstood either because they were conveyed in the wrong manner or because the people they were meant for failed to listen properly.

Now, that sounds like something that can be resolved pretty easily, but that it even has to be addressed is the issue.

Each and every second of the workday is precious and spending any of it on a task that should have been done already is simply unacceptable.

On top of that, breakdowns in the line of communications that may seem minor at first can fester and grow into bigger problems if left unaddressed.

It may start innocuously enough with just one employee struggling to get the message, but it won’t be long before more people start to share the same problem as well.

This is why when employers are looking for new people to hire, along with seeing if a particular candidate can execute the tasks linked to a certain job; it would be wise if they also took some time to check if the potential hire’s listening skills are up to snuff.

The Pros and Cons of Relying on your Comfort Zone

There are so many sayings and catchy lines out there about taking risks and being bold that it almost seems like a bad thing to dwell and enjoy your own little comfort zone.

The truth is that comfort zones exist because people need them.

Comfort zones provide familiarity and shelter from many of life’s scariest and most intimidating moments.

Comfort zones give people a break from the challenging things they are going through, while simultaneously serving as something that can help them recharge and take on the challenges they need to confront in the future.

There comes a point when holding on to these comfort zones turns into something that is no longer beneficial, and it may even be damaging.

For instance, a hardworking employee might pass up a chance for a promotion even though he deserves it because the new position carries greater responsibilities. It can be easy to shun it and retreat into a comfort zone, and in the process, a great opportunity is wasted.

That’s obviously not ideal, and it’s also not ideal when even the smartest risks are not taken simply because they threaten the concept of the comfort zone.

Comfort zones are helpful and needed, but they should not be relied upon all of the time.

Being risk-free is fine to a certain point, but being too afraid to take chances of any kind is one way to go nowhere fast.

Every now and then, it’s wise to leave behind the comfort zone and embrace uncertainty and take a leap of faith, especially when taking a chance that may never present itself again.

Comfort zones can keep a person emotionally balanced, but not detached and afraid.

A comfort zone is, after all, just a zone. There’s a wonderful world waiting to be explored outside of it, and it’s one worth taking the risk.


Staying positive in the midst of challenges

Trying times come for everyone. They may be the unpleasant yet necessary parts of life that help define and shape people, but it’s hard to recognize them as such in the moment.

When different events in your life are seemingly conspiring to bring you down, seeing the positive side of things becomes extremely difficult, if not downright impossible to do, which is unfortunate.

It’s unfortunate because these most difficult of times are when people most need to keep their attitudes upbeat and their thoughts positive. However, it’s not always that simple.

Before the downward spiral, it’s easy to repeat positive platitudes in order to prepare yourself for what’s to come, but when it actually comes to putting those platitudes into practice, it’s not quite as simple as anymore.

Staying positive in the midst of challenges can be a struggle in itself. But, you should never lose hope.

What that entails is recognizing that the situation you are in currently is probably not ideal, but also not losing sight of the likelihood that things will not stay that way permanently.

When you take it upon yourself to actually evaluate what is going on in your life and more specifically, when you try to figure out why things are going wrong, then you will gain important insight into your situation that may have otherwise gone undiscovered if you just wallowed in negativity.

By staying positive and evaluating your situation carefully, you may even be able to find out that this bad stretch is coming to an end soon enough, and that hope and help are indeed on the way.

If things are starting to go wrong, one of the worst things people can do is to just let things happen. Instead, they need to at least try to objectively examine what’s going on and realize that bad things come to an end too.

Success, take bigger risks

That first taste of success is something to savor, it’s something indelible yet fleeting, and it alone can satisfy many individuals and give them a reason to rest on their laurels.

People can be forgiven for taking in the fruits of their labor, for stopping for a while in order to admire what they have done, but doing all of this should also come with the realization that where things stand now is good, but there’s still something better waiting to be discovered.

It’s easy to think of success as an endpoint, as something definitive and final that can be substantial enough to validate years and years of hard work, and in many respects, it is.

The success that comes in the form of recognition from one’s peers or material success that allows someone to secure a stable future are ones that are extremely precious.

But those specific types of success are the exact ones that should give individuals, even more, reasons to aim for something better.

Securing a future for yourself is good and all, but if continuing to work on something better can help secure a future for yourself and your loved ones, then that is obviously significantly better.

Success, more than anything, should act like a key opening up doors to more opportunities that may have been previously inaccessible. Success should embolden people to take bigger risks now that they have something to fall back on, knowing that the potential reward is greater than any loss that may be incurred.

Instead of looking at success as some kind of stop sign, a little shift in perception will enable people to understand that this can act as a starting point for something more meaningful.

The greatest successes are waiting to be claimed, and it’s those who go after them without any pause who will be in the best position to obtain them.

Supposedly, constructive criticism is given with the intention of making you better.

Constructive criticism is given with the intention of making someone better.


Deep down, people understand their imperfections. They understand their limitations, their shortcomings, and even their failings.

It’s innately human to be imperfect, and yet it doesn’t sting any less once those flaws of yours get thrown back at you.

It is what makes the concept of criticism, specifically constructive criticism, so interesting.

Supposedly, constructive criticism is given with the intention of making you better.

Someone finds a flaw in you, it gets identified, you work on it and remove it.

In theory, constructive criticism should be a good thing, but the issue is that these types of comments are rarely understood or delivered in the correct way, leading to misunderstandings.

Constructive criticism can oftentimes just come off as mean-spirited or even self-righteous.

Still, being criticized and getting better from it is crucial to long-term improvement, so things needed to be done to deliver and interpret criticism properly.

Starting with the delivery of critiques, this needs to be done sincerely, and as much as possible, the comments also need to be given within a private setting. After all, pointing out someone’s flaws in public isn’t so much criticizing as it is just plain humiliating someone and that’s not what is needed.

Even when pointing out someone’s mistake, respect needs to be present at all times. And this fulfills half of the constructive criticism equation.

The other half is now dependent upon the recipient of the criticism and how he/she reacts to it.

Instead of brushing off or ignoring the critique, the recipient needs to really listen and evaluate what is being said. There’s a chance that the problem being pointed out is one he/she may not even be aware of, and in that scenario, yes constructive criticism exists and it can prove to be very helpful as well.

Constructive criticism is very much a real thing, and the only reasons why it doesn’t seem to be at times is because the people delivering and receiving it aren’t doing so correctly.

Dreaming big is perfectly acceptable and even encouraged for everyone, but dreaming smart is even better.

Continue to dream, and do it big and do it smart.


Ambition can be a double-edged sword, prone to harming or capable of protecting depending upon the desires of the wielder.

Ambition can be an endless source of motivation, fueling an individual to greater heights, or it can be all-consuming, and the primary cause of a downward spiral.

Ambition can be both essential and toxic, so given the risks, is it really wise for people to continue aiming high, even if their targets may be out of range?

The answer, as always, is not straightforward.

When it comes to dreaming big, it’s wise to at least keep the tips of your toes on the ground as you tilt your head towards the skies.

The key to controlling your ambitions, as opposed to having them control you, is to have a clear head about them.

It’s obviously difficult to let go of something you’ve wanted so badly for so long, regardless of whether it is a professional or personal goal, but there are simply times when this painful act becomes a necessary one.

When answering the question of whether dreaming big can ever be a bad thing, the answer is a yet with a distinct caveat.

It’s obviously unwise to keep going after something that may simply be unattainable, but that’s a stumbling block as opposed to a brick wall.

Continue to dream, and do it big too if you want but be smart as well, because it’s way too easy to get lost when fixated only on a single goal and direction.

Perhaps the real peril is not in dreaming big, but in dreaming carelessly, in allowing ambitions to become obsessions instead of motivations.

Dreaming big is perfectly acceptable and even encouraged for everyone, but dreaming smart is even better and probably even the ideal course of action for those aiming for real gains and sustained success.


Recovering from failure

Any kind of failure – be it personal or professional – is difficult to deal with.

The sting of it can linger, discredit previous achievements, affecting your current mindset and tarnishing future accomplishments.

Failures are inevitable on your way to success.

They are common, and even necessary in certain respects.

But just because failure is an integral part of life, doesn’t mean that people have to live with it.

Failures can bring you down and keep you there if you let it, but the latter is no longer necessary or inevitable.

Picking yourself back up from off the ground after suffering from a spectacular failure, may be incredibly difficult but it is possible.

As with many of this life’s great challenges, recovering from an incredible failure will require one thing more than anything else, and that is time.

Time is needed, first, for accepting what has taken place. Time is then needed next for examination, for understanding exactly what went wrong, why it did so and perhaps even the how behind it.

Time is again required for further processing and prevention, to make sure that this enormous mistake in the rear view mirror remains there and that nothing that even remotely resembles it will again rear its ugly head in the future.

But there is a risk inherent to letting time take over as the salve for failure and that risk can be amplified by our innately impatient nature.

Rushing to recover and to redeem for the mistakes of the past is understandable but not ideal. Such an approach only opens the door even wider for an even greater failure to occur.

One major mistake is enough, and its lessons must be sufficient.

The only way to recover well from failure is gradual, that’s just how it is, nonetheless, out of this long, drawn-out process, we continue to thrive and make the failures of the past the cause for success in the future.

All students are determined inside, so set yourself up. One student could be excited about school room subjects and additionally look for challenging instructional courses, participate in classroom discussions, and get high scores on given projects. Another student could be inspired by the interpersonal aspect of the college education, interacting with other students as often as possible, going to extracurricular activities, and maybe running for any student government body. However, others could be committed to games, exceeding expectations from actual teachings, getting active in sports after classes and during weekends, in addition to following a strict diet and overall fitness routine.

Another student—maybe as an outcome of a concealed disability, a hesitant disposition, or perhaps an unappealing body—may be resolved to avoid scholastics, interpersonal conditions, and active exercises.

Drive builds up which implications are strengthening while giving punishment. Students are generally excited to accomplish great educational outcomes.  Most of them are contented with satisfactory scores and some will be frustrated with a low grade. Most people need to be recognized by their peer, which is why many students want to belong to the “in” crowd but become agitated by ridiculing their childhood friends. To your young child tired of sports, to be or not to be part of the soccer team is not a big deal.  But to a student whose life revolves around the sport, not making it to the soccer team can be a terrible blow.

I appreciate the well-known adage, ‘If there’s nothing wrong with your health, you don’t have an issue at all.  I’m not saying, we should all accept this notion. (I don’t have trust in complexities, only circumstances).  However, it unquestionably is viable. If we get lucky, there is only one thing we can all agree on, we will all perish.

While it is a gloomy thought, we shouldn’t look at things like that way. Your health is a very crucial asset.  It’s basically the most fundamental thing you have. It doesn’t matter what car you drive or how much money you have in the bank.  These things are completely pointless when you consider how strong and healthy you are.

When things seem to go down, keep in mind that you are still alive, full of health, and you can enjoy the things around you. There’s no greater pleasure than joy of being alive.


There are a few people these days who certainly are tycoons. There are some who fell to the ground, gained control of their lives, and became popular on the web. What is the difference between you and these individuals?

Actually, nothing. We’re all human beings.

Many individuals who failed to reach their ambitions think that the only reason why some people succeed is because they are more privileged. Do you think Harry Berners-Lee was handed the invention of the World Wide Web? Ugh. I’m sure he an exact idea of what he wished to accomplish and began to start executing it.

You could have the plausible to get any person notwithstanding do what you wish, each of our time for this whole world presents us amazing chances notwithstanding shots, don’t squander materials the thing when you feel as though you have positively no desire. You could have a similar quality to have the capacity to change the whole world since anyone, you simply need to understand the thing.

People made millions, people spared everyday lives, that you are anybody, you can use completely.


Factors might be more straightforward.  They can simply be real 99. 9% of the time they find themselves in. I just heard the story of a prostitute who was kicked by a male customer who didn’t pay for the sex. This is, however, getting to be seen by a method for a few people utilizing mind remaining of business office to find what was going on. Picture getting to be for the reason that conditions.

It doesn’t make a difference what issues you feel at the moment.  Oftentimes, they are serious. If you are getting late for paying the rent, at least you have a house to go home to.  You probably even have a family who gives you support.  If you’re going through a rough divorce, it’s not the end of the world.  There are other women like you who are going through the same stage.  Life is abundant.  Don’t take your condition as the reason for your failures.  There are other people going through more challenging situations.

Maybe there is a goal you have to finish, however, you do not have the time and energy to act on it.  It may be something minimal, for example, minimizing TV viewing and web browsing. It may be, to wake up early in the morning, stop drinking alcohol, or start a new business venture. Whichever it is, what is holding you back from achieving your own goals?

We have numerous these sorts of spotlights on inside my living that I frequently consider, all things considered once in a while demonstration about. Every time I’m helped associated with one to remember them, I may culpably announce, “I ought to perform [blah]”, after which it neglect that right up until so when fault creeps into my own go.

The kind of target I have is as a rule to working out. I’ve additionally been talking about endeavoring to get solid for around 24 months at this moment. When I additionally set up a decent irrelevant point of achieving another marathon to gain myself delighted. I did as such figure out how to continue running not long after area the specific point, which thus held up for around 7 days, just before When I got to be distinctly engrossed utilizing another goal.

I want to envision me as a somewhat urged notwithstanding persuaded specific individual – What I’m stating is, We expound on these items! Despite the fact that, a thing about this specific concentrate on might be rationally requesting to me to consider steady activities about. Furthermore, I wish to fathom it.

Mitigating the real personality ruins and really having activities toward this last outcome might be my own accentuation inside the last so frequently. We are upbeat keeping in mind the end goal to state which I have as of now been embraced 5-mile walk-runs, at whatever time, profitably with respect to fourteen days today.

I’m fearless which since I have kept the thing upward for two principle days, thus unquestionably, I can proceed with the great labor for a month. In the event that I can tirelessly embrace it for a month, I will have habituated the action straight into my own everyday beat and have the capacity to proceed with the great work for eternity.

The real of the article isn’t with respect to working, but instead, evacuating preparing through achieving a mission, furthermore executing those to regions in our ways of life.

Concentrate on Discomfort

The more my accomplice and I devoted to these offensive elements associated with a workout, this a lesser measure of excited my accomplice and I developed to wind up, in addition to the great deal more reasons my accomplice and I made to sidestep works out – in front of my accomplice and I finished totally.

Recorded here are my undisputed top choice reasons to have the capacity to justify certainly not preparing:

It’s hard! My partner and I can hardly breathe.
My calf wounds
It’s cold outside
Rain is pouring (I live in Seattle, not too long)
It’s late, just go running.  My partner and I won’t have enough time to finish.